800 Wisconsin Ave
Bar Bingo
Starting Friday, November 8th
Then every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month
BAR OPENS 5:00 p.m.
GAMES BEGIN 7:00 p.m.
Come and enjoy our Friday Fish Fries for 2024-2025 Season. Schedule:
Feb. 7 -21
Mar. 7 - 21, Apr. 4 - 18
Legion Doors OPEN at 4:30
Dinner 5:00 til Gone
**Carry-outs available**
Call ahead 608-372-6028
2 pcs Walleye Deep Fried Beer Battered / Baked or Chicken Strips
Baked Potato or French Fries
Cole Slaw or Apple Sauce
Roll, Treat
Ice Water, Milk or Coffee
Adults - $15, 1st Responders - $12
Kids under 10 - $9
Saturday March 1, 2025
Bar Doors OPEN at 5 - Dinner at 6 - Show at 7
We are glad to be hosting the Jack Willhite "Rock-n-Roll" Comedy Show. His show is OUTSTANDING. Last year’s show was a complete SELL-OUT.
Only 100 Tickets available - So get your reservations early!
Tickets On Sale Now
Show Only $25
** Dinner & Show $40 **
Call 608-372-6028 or Purchase at Legion Bar.
Proceeds to be used to support Tomah American Legion 2025 Student Scholarships.
The Auxiliary hosted another Excellent Craft & Bake Sale. The Hall was completely filled with Vendors. Homemade Christmas gifts were everywhere. Handmade Sweaters, Mittens and Scarfs abounded. And the Bake Sale was over-flowing with Baked and Canned goods. If you missed this one you need to make sure you attend the next one. Hope to see you this Fall. Next Craft and Bake Sale Show: Saturday November 22, 2025
Darren said that the Tractor Ride was a SUCCESS. He signed up 13 Tractors, had a nice long ride thru the country side with Beautiful weather. Plans are already being made for another cruise for next year. Stay Tuned to the website.
Check this out!! TORO donated a "Zero-Turn" Lawnmower to the Legion at the beginning of the season. A request was made by Darren Zimmerman last year and as time "zoomed" by was forgotten about. Then one day while he was at work he received a message from the office about the donation. And, TA-DA the Legion received a 2024 "Zero-Turn". Commander Roger Davis and 2nd Vice Lori Zimmerman were more than happy to accept the donation and are shown during the delivery. Many THANKS to Darren for his Donation Request and many THANKS to TORO for the donation.
Starting on the 1st Friday Fish Fry - Sept. 6, 2024
Please be generous to help all of our neighbors in need. A box will be placed by the person selling the Fish Fry Tickets or will be in the Bar area by the ATM. Thank You ahead of time for your Donations.
Requested items:
*Boxed "Ready to make Meals": Hamburger/Chicken Helper, Instant Potatoes,...
*Canned Meals: Soups, Stews, Meats, Canned Veggies
*Boxed Cake/Brownie/Cookie mixes
*Baby Food, Formula(Can/Powder)
*Spices: Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Flour,...
*Breakfast Cereals, Instant Oatmeal, Instant Cream of Wheat,...
Donations accepted:
9/6/24 to 1/24/25
Please be generous to help all of our neighbors in need. A box will be placed in the Bar area by the ATM. Thank You ahead of time for your Donations. Per the VAF this size of Bed Linens matches the beds that are available from them.
Requested items:
New FULL size Bed Linens
New Pillow Case covers
New Bed Pillows
These items are exclusively for Veterans and/or their Families.
Please support your Tomah Area School District. As we all know the children now-a-days need to read more to keep up in school and to broaden their personnel horizons.
!!Complete Success!! 12/20/23
All Donations were taken to "G.I. Need That/Cup-o-Joe" by 3rd Vice Commander-PAUL BRAMAN and accepted by VAF Mgr-FAYE VEGA. These items will be distributed to Veterans and their families. Please help our "Veteran Family". If you know of any Veteran or Veteran's families that are in need, don't hesitate sending them there. If you have New/newer clean Winter Coats(no stains, tears or rips), New Winter Hats or Gloves take them there.
2023 Peoples Choice
2023 American Legion Baseball Choice
2023 Commanders Choice
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